2 peitos de frango (cerca de 200 gr) 100 gr de bolachas de água e sal trituradas(usei estas) 1 iogurte natural (125 gr) tomilho seco (opcional) Cortar o frango em pedaços pequenos e marinar no iogurte. Colocar no frigorifigo pelo menos durante 2 horas. Para triturar as bolachas basta coloca-las num saco de plástico e esmagar com um rolo da massa. Adicionei tomilho para dar mais sabor! Colocar as bolachas trituradas num prato de sopa e passar cada um dos pedaços de frango pelas bolachas. Colocar os nuggets num tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal e levar ao forno a 200C durante 20 minutos ou até estarem dourados. |
2 chicken breasts (about 7 oz) 3,5 oz cracker crumbs (I used this ones) 1 plain yogurt (4,5 oz) dried thyme (optional) Start by cuting the chicken small pieces and marinate them in the yogurt. Keep them in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. To make the cracker crumbs just put them in a plastic bag and crush using a rolling pin. I added some dried thyme to flavour things a bit! Place the crumbs in a shallow dish and coat each nugget with the crumbs. Lay the coated nuggets in a oven proof tray lined with parchement paper and bake in a 200C oven for about 20 minutes or until golden. |
26 November 2010 at 12:19 pm
Baking is definitely mke these nuggets more healthy and crunchy 🙂 Thanks for the tip!
27 November 2010 at 1:30 pm
Olá obrigada pela visiat na cozinha…
olhando para o teu blog acho que temos gostos muito parecidos 🙂 Uma delicia!!!
27 November 2010 at 1:55 pm
What a neat recipe and so simple. I've never thought to marinate my chicken in yogurt. I'm going to have to try this out.
28 November 2010 at 6:30 pm
Boa Tarde!
I have just discovered your blog, which is very very very nice:)
So I am following you now!
Have a nice sunday
29 November 2010 at 8:53 pm
I am not a big fan of deep fried dishes…marinating with yogurt and baking it in the oven is a healthy alternative…
30 November 2010 at 12:15 am
Nice to visit Lisbon again. Just love the city. The yogurt marination is great for chicken. Makes it tender and tastier. Wonderful recipe to follow! Thank you for sharing. Cheers!
1 December 2010 at 4:02 pm
This looks great! I love chicken nuggets but feel guilty eating them too often since they're so unhealthy. I'm saving this to make as a healthier alternative sometime!
I've never seen those crackers in the US but they look pretty similar to the Ritz crackers we have.
– Maggie
3 December 2010 at 11:11 am
Favolosa ricetta!!! Anche per me è un problema il fritto e con questa ricetta si può farne a meno. Complimenti e saluti da Milano, Italy, Giulia
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