bolachas do pai natal


santa’s cookies
Mais uma receita da Leonor que eu tinha de experimentar. A cobertura que fiz é um pouco diferente, com raspa e sumo de clementina só para dar um toque mais natalício!


Another recipe from Leonor that I had to try. The frosting is a bit different, with clementine zest and juice just to give a little touch of christmas!
Although I forgot them in the oven for an extra one or two minutes, these cookies disappeared in less than 24 hours!


100 gr manteiga amolecida
100 gr açúcar

225 gr farinha
1 colher de chá de canela em pó
1/4 colher de chá de sal fino

1 gema de ovo
10 ml de água

1 chávena de açúcar em pó
Sumo e raspa de meia clementina (ou um pouco mais de sumo porque esta cobertura deve ficar suficientemente líquida para mergulhar a parte da frente das bolachas)

Bater a manteiga com o açúcar e em seguida acrescentar a farinha, a canela e o sal. Juntar o ovo e água.

Envolver a massa em película aderente e deixar no frigorífico 30 minutos.
Aquecer o forno a 200C.

Retirar a massa da película e estender com a ajuda de um rolo numa superfície limpa e polvilhada com farinha.

Quando a massa tiver cerca de 0,5 cm de altura cortar as bolachas com formas e colocar num tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal.

Levar ao forno cerca de 6 minutos e deixar arrefecer numa grade.

Quando as bolachas tiverem arrefecido completamente fazer a cobertura:
Juntar a raspa de clementina ao açúcar, seguida do sumo. Mergulhar a parte da frente das bolachas e deixar secar numa grade.

3,5 oz butter, softened
3,5 oz sugar

8 oz flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 / 4 teaspoon fine salt

1 egg yolk
0.3 fl oz of water

1 cup powdered sugar
Juice and zest of half clementine (add a bit extra juice if necessary so the frosting is liquid enough to cover the cookies)

Beat the butter with the sugar and then add the flour, cinnamon and salt. Add the egg and the water.

Wrap the dough in cling film and leave in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 400F.

Remove the dough from the film and spread with the help of a roll and a clean surface dusted with flour.

Roll dough to 1/4 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Use a cookie cutter to cut dough into shapes and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Bake for about 6 minutes and let cool on a rack.

When the cookies have cooled completely make the frosting:
Add the clementine zest to the sugar, then the juice. Dip the front of biscuits and leave to dry on a rack.



  1. What beautiful heart shaped cookies! Very representative of the warmth and love of the people of Lisbon. The colors are almost like glazed tiles! So elegant! Wonderful cinnamon flavor that everybody loves! Thanks for making these exquisite treats! Merry Christmas to you and loved ones!!!

  2. awww these cookies look so festive and cute,and the hearts are already spreading the holiday & christmas love.Clementine flavor will go so well with the buttered cookies:)

  3. Wow these cookies are so adorable and sound so delicious. It is so perfect to go with my other holiday baking list 🙂

  4. Cute! I love the heart shapes and the glaze is just so lovely. Wonderful use of clementines.

  5. O pai Natal vai Adorar

  6. Che meravigliosi dolcetti!
    Ti auguro un sereno natale a te e tutta la tua famiglia
    Baci, Barbaraxx

  7. looks soo yum.. i love these cookies.. perfect!

  8. Ficaram giras…

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