do brasil com amor: pizza de chocolate com flor de sal


from brazil with love: chocolate pizza with fleur de sel

Estive afastada do blog por um bom motivo: duas semanas inteiras a curtir o sol do Ceará. A experiência culinária foi agridoce: em alguns sítios comí mal mas também tive a sorte de poder apreciar comida maravilhosa. A melhor parte foi descobrir coisas novas: açaí, macaxeira, pão de queijo, espero fazer alguns post sobre elas mais tarde!

Houve uma sobremesa que soube logo que tinha de experimentar em casa: pizza de chocolate… com um “twist”. Descobri esta pizza na NôNô Pizzeria em Flecheiras, pedimos a pizza para sobremesa e o dono do restaurante perguntou-nos se queriamos experimentar uma coisa diferente, por isso quando a pizza chegou à mesa ele salpicou cada uma das fatias com sal acabado de moer e um fiozinho de azeite. Ficou simplesmente divinal, tinha conseguido comer a pizza toda sozinha!


I’ve been away from the blog for a very good reason: two whole weeks in brazil enjoying the ceará sunshine. The food experience was bittersweet: been to some really bad places but I was also lucky enough to taste some great food. The best part was to discover new stuff that I had never tried: açaí, macaxeira, pão de queijo, hopefully I will talk about all those things later.

There was one dessert that I immediately knew I had to try at home: chocolate pizza.. with a twist. I got to know this pizza in NôNô Pizzeria right in Flecheiras, we ordered this pizza to share for dessert and the owner asked if we would like to taste something different, so after the pizza arrived at our table he sprinkled each of our slices with freshly ground fleur de sel and a tiny bit of olive oil. It was out of this world, I could have eat the whole pizza!

1 base de pizza fresca
50 gr manteiga sem sal
200 gr chocolate
fleur de sel

Derreter em banho maria o chocolate com a manteiga.
Cozinhar a pizza no forno e a meio do tempo retirá-la (cerca de 7 minutos mas depende muito do forno).
Espalhar o chocolate derretido na pizza e colocar novamente no forno os bordos estarem dourados (no meu caso foram precisos apenas 5 minutos).
Servir com grãos de flor de sal e um fio de azeite. Tão simples!

Algumas receitas levam uma camada de mozzarella antes do chocolate para evitar que a massa fique muito seca, eu não tinha mozzarella mas para a próxima vou experimentar!

1 pre-made pizza crust
2 oz unsalted butter
7 oz dark chocolate
fleur de sel
good quality olive oil

In a double boiler melt the chocolate with the butter.
Bake the pizza crust until it’s half way done (about 7 minutes but depends on the oven).
Pour the melted chocolate over the pizza crust and bake until the crust is golden (5 minutes was enough in my case).
Serve sprinkled with fleur de sel and a drizzle of olive oil. So simple!

Some recipes require a layer of mozzarella before the chocolate, I guess this leaves the crust a bit more moist… I didn’t have any mozzarella but I’ll give it a try next time!




  1. This sounds incredible! I've been craving both pizza and chocolate a lot lately. This will totally solve my problem!

  2. Parece bem gostoso! Talvez vou tentar…

  3. Amazing! I'm pretty sure I could eat the whole thing.

  4. I must try this. The recipe calls to me. Chocolate and pizza…wonderful. I actually have fresh pizza crusts cooling merrily on my counter…obviously a sign….but no dark chocolate in the cabinet. My crusts are mocking me now. 😉

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