pizza mediterrânica


mediterranean pizza



Esta pizza tem todos os ingredientes que eu adoro: azeitonas, presunto de parma, tomate em pedaços e oregãos. É tão fácil de fazer que é o almoço ideal de um fim de semana preguiçoso!

This pizza has every mediterranean ingredient I love: olives, parma prosciutto, nice chunks of tomato and oregano. It’s so simple that do it often when I don’t want to put much effort into a lazy weekend lunch!

1 embalagem de massa de pizza

1/2 lata de tomate em pedaços
200 gr de queijo mozzarella
1/2 chávena de azeitonas
6 fatias de presunto de parma
1 colher de oregãos secos

Colocar a massa de pizza numa base para pizza, dobrar e pressionar os bordos contra a base.

Espalhar o tomate na base de pizza e metade do queijo. Colocar o presunto e as azeitonas e cobrir com o resto do queijo. Por fim espalhar os oregãos.

Colocar no forno a 180º até a base estar estaladiça e o queijo dourado, cerca de 20 minutos.

1 premade thin pizza crust

1/2 can of choped tomato
7 oz of grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup of black olives
6 slices of parma prosciutto
1 tablespoon of dried oregano

Put the pizza crust in a pizza pan and fold the borders pressing against the pan.

Spoon the tomato and sprinkle half of the grated cheese over the crust. Place the prosciutto slices and then the olives, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and finally the oregano.

Bake pizza until the crust is browned and the cheese is golden, this about 20 minutes in a 350 F oven.


  1. wow.. what a fantastic recipe.. I usually do the Italian toppings… love the black olives…

  2. That pizza looks incredible!!! I love the different toppings that you put on the pizza, yum!!!

  3. =) how much I love pizza….infact i too just posted a pizza recipe!

  4. mediterranean is my favourite pizza recipe..

  5. Sometimes simple is the best thing! Your pizza looks fantastic! Great flavors…

  6. This looks so good! And more for me since my boyfriend hates olives 🙂

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