bolo de iogurte simples


simple yogurt cake
Descobri esta receita no site da vaqueiro e é um bolo que faço muitas vezes por ser tão simples e porque se pode modificar muito facilmente.


I first found out this recipe in vaqueiro site and I bake it many times because it’s so simple and can be easily modified with the ingredients I like most
1 iogurte (usei de coco)
3 ovos
300 gr açucar
300 gr farinha com fermento
150 ml óleo

1 chávena de açúcar em pó
4 colheres de sopa de café

Bater o iogurte, os ovos e o açúcar com a batedeira eléctrica. Juntar a farinha e o óleo batendo sempre.

Deitar a massa numa forma redonda untada e polvilhada e cozer no forno a 180ºC cerca de 40 minutos ou até que um palito inserido no centro saia limpo. Deixar arrefecer durante um minuto antes de retirar da forma.

Para a cobertura basta juntar o café ao açúcar em pó e misturar até ficar um creme liso, depois é só espalhar no bolo.

1 yogurt (I used coconut flavor)
3 eggs
10.5 oz sugar
10.5 oz self-raising flour
5 fl oz sunflower oil

1 cup of icing sugar
4 tablespoons of expresso coffee

Mix the yogurt, the eggs and the sugar with an electric mixer. Add the flour while mixing and then the oil.

Pour into a greased and floured round medium pan. Bake in a 360F oven for about 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool for one minute before removing from pan.

For the glaze just pour the coffee into the icing sugar and mix until smooth, spread over the cake.



  1. Is this a traditional Portuguese cake?

  2. I don't think this cake is tradicional in the usual way (as conventual cakes for example) but the yogurt cake is common in every household and is usually the first cake kids bake because it's so simple (there's an even more simple version where you measure all the ingredients with the yogurt cup).

  3. I can't wait to try this yougurt cake,looks and sounds yummy.I am glad I came across your recent post on HG gourmet's food blog:) Recipe bookmarked!

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